Because Your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise You. -Psalm 63:3

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Favorites: Movies

Probably one of the worst questions to ask someone you've just met is "What's your favorite movie?" I mean, come on...really??? Who on earth can mentally scroll through every movie they've ever seen in their life and determine which one(s) is their favorite and still be able to give you an adequate answer within a reasonable amount of time? Nope. Nobody.

So having said that, I thought I'd let you know that I've put some careful thought into compiling a list of my top 10 favorite movies of all time. Now I know that certain movies are more appealing to me depending on my mood or the current popularity of the movie (for example, I've seen The Avengers twice already, and it has frequently come up in conversation recently, so I'm apt to say that it's one of my favorite movies right now...). HOWEVER, trying to put all of that aside and really getting down to what makes a movie great overall (in my humble opinion), here are my top 10:

Little Women

A movie I grew up with. You can't help but love a classic story of four young girls growing up and discovering the world one step at a time. :)

Sense and Sensibility

A Jane Austen classic. The acting and the screenplay of this film are what make it truly fantastic.

The Prestige

One of Christopher Nolan's genius films. This one kept me guessing until the very end , then  I was completely blown away by the ending....

Remember the Titans

Absolutely wonderful family film. It'll make you laugh, cry, and everything in between.  Such a great movie.

The King and I

Another one I grew up with. The story is so good, and the setting (a Siam palace) is so beautiful.  Lots of classic, memorable scenes in this one.


Another product of Christopher Nolan's genius mind.  I was blown away when I saw this in theaters with my sister a few summers ago. It immediately went on my top favorites list of movies.


The Sound of Music

Anyone who has not seen this movie was deprived in their childhood.  Absolutely classic film, brilliant score....every scene in this movie is memorable.

The Lord of the Rings

I was one of those late comers to the fandom of the movie trilogy. I didn't see the movies until a few years after they came out, but when I did, I thought they were the most perfect films ever created. Everything was dramatic and epic, but it wasn't cheesy or unnecessary. The acting was incredible and the music brought the fantasy world to life.
So. Awesome.

Life Is Beautiful

A surprisingly large amount of people have never heard of this movie.  I didn't see it until we bought it  randomly one day and watched it. I cried my eyes out. It is very sad, but very good all the same. It's set during WWII (the Holocaust, mainly), so naturally there's an inevitable tragic element, but it really is very good. The story is so beautiful and touching, and the ending always brings a smile to your face, no matter how many times you watch it.

And finally...


It's A Wonderful Life

If you have never seen this before, I pity you. You have not LIVED until you've seen this movie!!!  This was another one I grew up watching. My family has watched it every Christmas Eve for 18 years. Every time I watch it, I just love it more and more. I love a lot of movies and I'll probably claim a lot of them to be my favorites, but no film has ever made me feel the way that this one does. It made me so excited about LIFE, and I just wanted to jump out of my chair and do something GREAT with my other movie has ever had that sort of effect on me. Ever.
It's a good movie to watch around Christmas time (it's always on TV around that time), but you don't have to wait that long (especially if you've never seen it before). I'm serious. Go find a copy of it and watch it and have a wonderful life. :)

So there we have it. Not sure if anyone really cares, but there is my list.
It makes me feel better, anyways.

P.S. So I just finished editing this post and it's 1:15 AM...and I have to be up at 7:30 to go to Atlanta. This was all for you, my blog readers. That's what I call dedication (or the result of procrastination of blog posting...whichever way you choose to look at it).

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

May: The Month of Nerdiness

Well, I'm pretty nerdy. Don't know if I've told you that before or maybe you've already gotten that impression...but I'll just flat out say it. I'm a true nerd. And THIS month, there are a few things going on that will make my nerdy self quite happy.


Nancy Drew: Tomb of the Lost Queen

Yeah, I'm pretty excited. These computer games have been a part of my life for about 9 years. I pretty much left the Cluefinders and Carmen Sandiego in the dust after I discovered these. They are so. much. fun. The whole point of the game is solving a mystery. You play as Nancy Drew and find clues, question suspects, snoop in people's rooms when they're gone...the whole shebang. They release a couple of new ones every year, and I've bought every single one of them (seriously, I have games 1-25 all lined up in a row on my closet shelf upstairs). This one comes out on May 8, and it promises to be a very nice addition to my collection. You will find my overly excited nerd self at the nearest Target on that day, I guarantee you.


 Avatar: The Promise-Part 2

So, if you have never seen or heard of this TV show before, I suggest you get right on that. Immediately.
I will most likely be devoting an entire post to the awesomeness of this show sometime in the near future (after my Hunger Games post...still working on that). The show is by Nickelodeon (obviously), so it's geared toward younger teens....but it's AMAZING. But I can't start ranting now...but it's AMAZING....

Okay, so the above picture is the second part of the graphic novel series that continues the story after the last season ended. I have yet to read the entire first part (still looking for it in stores around my area), but I plan on buying it ASAP. Apparently, the first one left off with a cliffhanger (no surprise there), so I am reeeaaaallllly eager to see what happens in this one. It comes out on May 20.


 Season Finale of Once Upon a Time

I'll be honest with you. I really wasn't that excited for this show when it first aired on ABC last year. But let me tell YOU. I am officially HOOKED. It's from the creators of Lost, if that tells you anything (lots of twists and turns, unanswered questions, ambiguous events and characters...the list goes on). The first season finale airs on May 13th, and I cannot wait. Apparently, someone HUGE is going to, a main character we never would have thought the show could go on without. I'm scared.

So this summer, you can expect to find me playing Nancy Drew with the Avatar novel in my hand and crying my eyes out while I watch the epic finale of Once Upon a Time.

And so my inner nerd shines through.

Have a happy May everyone.

P.S. Oh yeah, and school is over for the summer by the way....for me at least. So we all know what this means, right??? MORE BLOGGING! If I don't forget.... :D