Well, it's back for a fourth season, so emotions will be running high for the next 3 months or so.
Bear with me, folks.
To clarify, there will be absolutely nothing spoiled for anyone. I am aware that it doesn't air in the US until January, but it's currently being aired in the UK (and let's face it...the really desperate fans watch it as soon as it airs, no matter which country they live in. Where there's a will there's a way, I always say.)
Anyways, I will never provide details.
But there's no possible way to keep such intense emotions bottled inside one human soul, sooooo....
In short, here's my reaction to the most recent episode in the form of a GIF:
There, I did it. I released a little bit of my frustration with absolutely no spoilers. I'll just say that I was a little bit very extremely angered by what occurred in the episode.
(Come on, at least I was vague...)