Because Your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise You. -Psalm 63:3

Monday, April 8, 2013

In lieu of doing what I'm supposed to be doing...

I'm sitting here writing on my blog because I really don't want to write about African-American identity and how it is defined by the dominant white population...
Well, that and I actually have something to say.

I guess this means that I've had nothing to say for a while. I think it's been like a year since I last posted something on here (at least it feels that way). Honestly, I think I did have plenty of things to say. I was just too lazy to post them. :)

So since we last talked lots of things have happened and changes have occurred. I find bullet points to be helpful at times like these...

  • Fall semester ended
  • Christmas came and went
  • New Year! Happy 2013 everyone. Hope it's been good so far. :)
  • Passion 2013 in January
  • My dad lost his job
  • My dad got a new job a week later
  • My dad just left that job and got another new job
  • This means that we have to move from our current location to another location about 20 miles away
  • I was promoted to Team Leader at CFA back in September
  • My cousin is married and is expecting a baby boy in June
  • My sister bought a new car two days ago and it works like a dream
  • I am working as a private tutor for a 4th grader
  • I will potentially be working as a tutor at my campus next semester
  • I just got a job editing a book for publication
  • Our church got a new youth pastor
  • I am officially on youth staff (since January)
  • I am very very close to having an English degree
  • I still have a lot to do to obtain an Education degree
  • Pollen is everywhere at the moment
  • Spring semester is over in 3 weeks
  • I am currently writing an essay for a class entitled "Studies in the American Novel" (hence the blog posting...)
So there we go. My life for the past few months in a bullet point list. I just got a sudden urge to finish writing my essay, so I'm off to conquer the last page and a half. I will return soon, I promise. :)

P.S. Oh! I forgot about one more change that's occurred in the past few months. My laptop decided to malfunction and now every time I push the "A" key this happens: a;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
The semicolons will go on forever and ever amen if I don't press another key. If I didn't ba;ckspa;ce a;ll of the semicolons every time I wrote a; sentence; this is wha;t it would look like. Delightful. Oh yeah, and the semicolon key no longer works.  (see? I pressed it and nothing appeared in that spa;ce. GA:;;H.)

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry about your computer... BUT THAT'S HILARIOUS!!!!HAHAHA!!
