Because Your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise You. -Psalm 63:3

Monday, July 29, 2013

Healthy Dessert, Lychee Nuts, and Lizzie Bennet

Right now I'm eating gluten-free cookies and 100% organic (like grass-fed cows and all that) chocolate milk for dessert. Super healthy diet FTDUBS.

Which brings me to my next bit of exciting news...I'm rewatching the Lizzie Bennet Diaries!

What are the Lizzie Bennet Diaries, you may ask? Well, first of all it's a shame that you would have to ask such a question...
Secondly, they are a web video series which puts a modern spin on the classic story of Pride and Prejudice. The entire story is on Youtube...soooo go take a gander.

WARNING: The Lizzie Bennet Diaries consist of one hundred 3-5 minute videos. You WILL catch yourself saying, "I'll just watch one more..."

Seriously though, it's amazing how accurately they portray the original story and characters while still maintaining the "this could actually happen in today's world" feel. The creators are geniuses.
(also, Lydia Bennet says "FTDUBS" a lot in the series. So that's why it sorta popped up out of the blue at the start of this post...)

Okay. So back to the dessert. The reason I'm eating such healthy stuff is because my siblings and I went to the Dekalb Farmers Market in Decatur today. That's where we bought the organic chocolate milk and we also got....


As in, like....

MOMO! AVATAR! Ringing any bells? (it's only my favorite TV series of all time...)

Anyway, this is what they look like in real life:

They taste pretty good. The white part is what we eat. It's really juicy and sweet, it just doesn't have a whole lot of flavor. It's kinda watery. That's okay though because it still makes me happy that we got to eat fruit from the Avatar world. :D

So that's all. Bye.


  1. We went to the same market a few days ago! And I saw the lychee nuts and that's the first thing I thought! But no one was with me who watched avatar so I got excited by myself. :)

  2. Hahaha, love the geeking out factor in this post. XD
