Because Your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise You. -Psalm 63:3

Friday, August 12, 2011

Disney Horror Films

When I was younger (approximately from age 5 to 10) there were certain Disney movies that I didn't watch and even refused to watch. Most of them were made very early (1940s), but contain concepts and villains that completely freaked me out as a kid. Here are my top three:

1. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

By far the scariest movie of my childhood. I absolutely refused to watch any part of it. I never even dared to look at the cover of the VHS that sat in our movie cabinet. There was always this constant image in my mind that gave me nightmares. You could tell me stories about monsters hiding under my bed all day long, but the only thing I would ever be scared of was the possibility that this image might come out of my closet at night or pop up in my window:

I don't think the Disney animators could've picked a more frightening or horrific image than that right there. I would love to meet the guy who came up with this idea, but he's probably dead by now. Gotta give him credit for creativity though. It just so happens that his creativity haunted me for my entire childhood. That's all.
I'm not bitter or anything.

2. Pinocchio

Now this movie didn't scare me so much with horrifying images but rather with the concepts. When I was little, I hated watching any movie/TV show that had kids being captured or tortured (not necessarily physically). In Pinocchio, he wasn't exactly a kid....he was just a living puppet who was captured by an evil puppetmaster and was turned into a donkey against his will. Yeah. That's good for little kids to watch. To this day, I will not watch Pinocchio even if it was the only movie on the planet. No offense to the sick-minded Disney filmmakers.

3. The Black Cauldron

A lot of people have never even heard of this movie before. It wasn't exactly a successful film. It was made sometime in the 1980s I think. Anyways, in our household we used to watch Disney movies aaaaaalll the time. I remember hearing about this movie, but we weren't allowed to watch it and I was never told why.

Well now I know.

I recently found this movie on youtube and watched it (this was about a month or two ago). I will admit WITH PRIDE that I was seriously freaked out. Not even kidding. It probably didn't help that it was really late at night and everyone was asleep but me...and all of the lights were off too. But anyways, that's beside the point.
Just to give you an idea, the plot reminded me very much of the Lord of the Rings. Just replace Frodo with a little boy, the ring with an ancient black cauldron (and a magical pig if you want to get technical), and Gollum with a dog-like animal creature thing named Gurgi. All of this was totally fine, but what really scared me was the "Sauron" of the movie, pictured here:

He is known as "The Horned King," so I was expecting...oh, I don't know, a Maleficent (from Sleeping Beauty) kind of thing.
The animation combined with the deep scraggly voice and the eerie castle pretty much did it for me. I was sitting there with chills going up and down my spine. It was just plain creepy.

So there we have it. The three most horrifying Disney films in existence. I highly doubt they will be able to top themselves...but then again, they did come up with Pinocchio and the Black Cauldron several years after Snow White. Who knows?

One last look for the road:

P.S. Sweet dreams.


  1. ahhh! i hate those too! well, i've never seen the last one, but you told me about it you saved me from that one. but i agree. a lot of disney movies (especially the old ones) are suuuper freaky. :/ what's the deal?!

  2. haha. i agree with you there. i never saw the last one. you know, a lot of those movies are really scary. the little mermaid. puh-lease. such an innocent name for a not so innocent movie. i love it, but those soul-sucked weeds were creepy.
