Because Your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise You. -Psalm 63:3

Thursday, March 15, 2012

I know, I know....

ALRIGHT. I know I haven't updated in over a month and I know that some of you check back often to see if anything new is up.....I apologize for the extended absence. I will TRY to update on a semi-regular basis. I do LOVE blogging, but sometimes I just don't feel like I have anything worthy to share. I was going to try to do a Hunger Games post once I finished the third book......well, that hasn't happened yet (I'm only on the second chapter.....please no one kill me). I did finish the first book in two days, so please don't think that I hate them. I seriously love those books as if they were a part of my soul (kind of.....maybe...), but I just haven't sat down and READ the last book. Maybe it's because I was kinda upset with the ending of the second book......I just wanted to put it down and not even look at it because I was so annoyed. Anyways, as SOON as I finish Mockingjay, I WILL have an official Hunger Games post that will most likely go on and on and on and on and on forever and ever and ever and ever....Amen.
By then the movie will be out (7 DAYS 2 HOURS AND 8 MINUTES FROM NOW!!!!), and I will have more to talk about.


Yet ANOTHER Passion update! YAAAYYYY!!!!!
Okay, EVERYONE (and yes, I mean you) needs to GO BUY the new CD that just came out this week!!!! It's called "White Flag" and it has live recordings of all the songs we sang at the Passion conference (so when you hear the crowd cheering, remember that I'm one of those voices!! :D). It's only $10, and you can buy it on itunes or online:


These songs get you so pumped up for Christ and the many truths about Him and what He has done!!! So get your copy, play it in your car, roll down your windows, and sing at the top of your lungs. (Also share with your friends :D)

Have a fantastic week!!!!

P.S. If you aren't planning on it already, go see the Hunger Games on Friday, March 23rd.
May the odds be ever in your favor. :)

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